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Artificial light at night increases top-down pressure on caterpillars: experimental evidence from a light-naive forest

Abstract: Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a globally widespread and expanding form of anthropogenic change that impacts arthropod biodiversity. ALAN alters interspecific interactions between arthropods, including predation and parasitism. Despite their ecological importance as prey and hosts, the impact of ALAN on larval arthropod stages, such as caterpillars, is poorly understood...

Deitsch J.F., Kaiser SA. 2023 Artificial light at night increases top-down pressure on caterpillars: experimental evidence from a light-naive forest. Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20230153.

The Jorō spider (Trichonephila clavata) in the southeastern U.S.:
an opportunity for research
and a call for reasonable journalism

Abstract: Trichonephila clavata, also known as the Joro spider, was first discovered in Georgia, USA in 2014. Its arrival from Asia and subsequent range expansion across the southeastern U.S. has received much media coverage, spanning from factual to sensational. Here, we describe T. clavata's invasion potential and known invasive range, and review its biology, dispersal abilities, potential impacts, and management strategies...

Chuang, A., Deitsch, J.F., Nelsen, D.R. et al. The Jorō spider (Trichonephila clavata) in the southeastern U.S.: an opportunity for research and a call for reasonable journalism. Biol Invasions (2022).

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Insects and spiders on the web:
Monitoring and mitigating online exploitation of species and services

Abstract: Exploitation of insects and spiders through commercialization represents a serious threat to rare species and to common species that provide valuable ecological services. The speed, scope, and anonymity, of online commerce places full monitoring and managing of exploitation beyond the resources available to regulatory agencies...

Losey, J., Chen C., Davis, A.E., Deitsch, J.F., Gertin, J.G., Gorneau, J.A.,  Hallock, E.M., Jordán, J.P, Kim, Z.J., Kubinski, E.G., Laurenz, N., Li S. B., Mullen, E. K., O’Brien, A., Richardson, L.I., Vincent, S., Wang, S.Y., Yarhouse, E.L., Schydlowsky, A., and Curtis, P.D. 2022.

Global Ecology and Conservation. 36:e02098. 

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